● make an inquiry


Development of Your Company

Consult the Agile and Lean transformation of your organization. Be EASy, Lean & Agile

We analyze the organization’s strategy and assess the business case, openness and readiness for change. 

We support in the selection of solutions. We change manufacturing processes into fully perceptible, effective values, received in an iterative manner. We transform and restructure organizations according to Agile and Lean philosophies. Depending on the demand of scaling the effectiveness of agile transformation resulting from the developed by us-author audit, using matching Frameworks such as Scrum; Large Scaled Scrum (LeSS); Nexus; Kanban; Lean Management; Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), EASy – our proprietary Framework. We support project management in an agile approach.

Attributes we consider when selecting the right Framework for an organization include:

The success of a project according to Agile and Lean - is the value received by the customer and thus his satisfaction. In traditional methodologies, success is achieved on schedule, relative to a previously planned project. The Agile philosophy breaks down the barriers associated with planning. Lean builds excellence by eliminating waste.


● Scrum guide
Get on the right track

Empiricism is one of the strands of the Agile philosophy, found in the SCRUM Framework, which is the most fashionable recently and as useful as it can be. Knowledge comes from experience, and decisions are made based on what is known. Empiricism is also openness to change.

A good start

A good start and the key to the implementation of the appropriate Framework or training of staff in this area is the use of our proprietary application – giving value in the form of an initial verification of the level of awareness of employees of the organization being prepared for change – Agile and Lean restructuring. 

We determine further decisions mutually, based on empiricism and EASy. 

Transformations of organizations to Lean and Agile occur within an evolutionary framework. 

Training with an agile expert

Involvement of all employees

Company at a higher level


more revenue for the company


more productivity at work


jointly resolved errors in projects


more ideas submitted by employees

Culture of work teams

We implement Lean in all departments of the organization , because we apply Lean wherever there are losses and at the same time there is room for improvement. We refer the ability to deliver value to customers to the organization’s ability to eliminate losses and avoid them in the future. By evaluating indicators, we eliminate root causes. Inspections are a way for managers to achieve the implementation of labor standards and both establish a bond with employees; implement labor standards; and highlight the essence of an orderly, safe work environment.  

We base the success of Lean on leaders within the organization, who are the ones who infect other employees with Lean, who live Lean, who encourage Lean – so that Lean spreads through the organization. The right leaders, responsible for change, must also be able to manage people and adjust the company’s policies, vision and resources to apply Lean correctly, hence the standardization of Lean starts „from the top down” – from managers.  

Be EASy, Lean and Agile! 

Why EASy, Agile and Lean?  

Why Agile?

In short, Agile is based on its own easily digestible and effective Agile Principles, which are divided into those that we value more and those that are appreciated:

More valued:

● People and interactions

● Working software

● Working with the customer

● Responding to change

Docenia się:

● Processes and tools

● Detailed documentation

● Contract negotiations

● Implementation of the established plan

● We will prioritize
in your company

The priority is always customer satisfaction and continuous software implementation. By implementing our processes, your company will become competitive in the market. Development and business teams will begin to work closely together which will increase employee engagement.

The 12 tenets of the Agile Manifesto are:

1. the highest priority for us is customer satisfaction through early and continuous implementation of valuable software.

2. Be ready for changes in requirements even at a late stage of its development. Agile processes leverage change to keep the customer competitive.

3. Deliver functioning software frequently, at intervals of several weeks or several months. The more often, the better.

4. business and development teams must work closely together on a daily basis throughout the project.

5. Create projects around motivated people. Provide them with the necessary environment and support and trust them to complete the task at hand.

6. The most effective and efficient way to communicate information to and within the development team is face-to-face.

7. working software is the primary measure of progress.

8. agile processes enable sustainable development. Sponsors, developers and users should be able to maintain an even pace of work.

9. Continuous focus on technical excellence and good design increases agility.

10. Simplicity – the art of minimizing the amount of work required – is key.

11. The best architectural solutions, requirements and designs come from self-organizing teams.

12. At regular intervals, the team analyzes opportunities to improve its performance, and then fine-tunes and adjusts its activities according to the lessons learned.

Conscious company culture

Lean is an initiative that seeks to improve the performance of an organization – it is best to apply changes throughout the company, embedding Lean into a fully conscious company culture. Lean is all about people – Lean persuades people to apply a given mental attitude and use specific tools and techniques, resulting in eliminating waste and maximizing value for customers.

Tools in Lean are important but people always remain in first place. Without this mindset, we measure ourselves against the consequences.  Processes in Lean are supposed to have a state of perfect ideal functioning. The practice commits to understanding and acting on the way to eliminate losses at their source and is based on the principles of Lean logic:

Be Agile with KindMind it expertise. Agile forward!